"Ibero American Network of Nuclear Astrophysics"
First IANNA-IReNA Workshop
FIRST CIRCULAR, Nov. 30, 2023
The first IANNA-IReNA workshop on new reaction rates for Nuclear Astrophysics is being organized as a collaboration between IANNA (Ibero American Network of Nuclear Astrophysics) and IReNA (International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics), with main co-sponsorship from IReNA.
It will be held during June 9-11, 2024, in the Embassy Suites by Hilton South Bend at Notre Dame, US, just across from the campus of the University of Notre Dame. We are looking forward to one day of welcoming and registration and two days of fruitful presentations, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.
The workshop will aim at discussing applications of nuclear reactions and the respective rates for Nuclear Astrophysics and, in particular, to gathering ideas and efforts of IANNA members to propose possible experiments at the stable and radioactive ion beam (RIB) facilities in US.
Date and venue
Date : June 9 – June 11 2024
Venue: Embassy Suites by Hilton South Bend at Notre Dame, US
Registration and fee
In order to participate, a registration is requested, registration form available at the Workshop website:
A fee of $200 USD per participant is also requested. It includes a welcome reception on Sunday evening, breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, coffee breaks, and a conference dinner on Monday.
Organizing Committee
Luis Acosta, Instituto de Física, UNAM, México and IEM-CSIC, Spain (chair)
Richard James deBoer, University of Notre Dame, US (co-chair)
Elí F. Aguilera, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, México
Leandro Romero Gasques, Instituto de Física, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Andrés Arazi, Lab TANDAR, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina
Daniel Galaviz, Lab de Instrumentación e Física Exp de Partículas (LIP), Portugal
Marcos Aurelio González Álvarez, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Contact us:
For inquiries, please contact the organizing committee at ianna-irena-workshop@lip.pt
Dear Colleagues,
As mentioned in the First Circular, the first IANNA-IReNA workshop on new reaction rates for Nuclear Astrophysics, will be held on June 9-11, 2024, at the University of Notre Dame.
Submission open Feb. 19th through March 15th THIS WAS EXTENDED UP TO APRIL 5th
Submission instructions can be found on the conference website:
Date and venue
Date : June 9 – June 11 2024
Venue: Embassy Suites by Hilton South Bend at Notre Dame, US
Registration and fee
Registration form available at the Workshop website:
A fee of $200 USD per participant is also requested. It includes a welcome reception on Sunday evening, breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, coffee breaks, and a conference dinner on Monday.
Early date for fee payment starts: March 11
Organizing Committee
Luis Acosta, Instituto de Física, UNAM, México and IEM-CSIC, Spain (chair)
Richard James deBoer, University of Notre Dame, US (co-chair)
Elí F. Aguilera, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, México
Leandro Romero Gasques, Instituto de Física, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Andrés Arazi, Lab TANDAR, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina
Daniel Galaviz, Lab de Instrumentación e Física Exp de Partículas (LIP), Portugal
Marcos Aurelio González Álvarez, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Contact us:
For inquiries, please contact the organizing committee at ianna-irena-workshop@lip.pt
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The event was held successfully. Participants in the workshop appear in the photo, taken at ND, the site of the event. See the following link for a full report: |