IANNA at LASNPA Conference 2024. Possible 2025 School

"Ibero American Network of Nuclear Astrophysics"


LASNPA Conference and IANNA members meeting

The week after the IANNA-IReNA workshop, the LASNPA conference was celebrated at the UNAM-Campus in Mexico City. A number of IReNA-IANNA members participated in such event. In that sense, a IANNA poster was presented in the poster session of the conference as well as a short meeting was carried out.

The aim of the short meeting was communicating to other Latin-American colleagues (and IANNA members) how was the IANNA-IReNA workshop, and to give some publicity to the Network, considering the range of the LASNPA conference. During the meeting, the organizing of one School for Latin-American students was discussed. The final proposal was to make a combination between a School and a Junior workshop (JWS), including lessons from IANNA faculties/researchers/staff and short talks and poster sessions for the students. The event to be proposed would request for funding to IReNA for the “School-JWS” organizing, searching to support students from IANNA countries and some other Latin-American countries, taking also into account, the participation of Latin-American students from US institutions, and of course open in general to American students who wish to participate. We calculated the possibility to cover till around 15 students from other countries. The school-JWS would be celebrated at a US Institution, likely that for Frontiers or IANNA-IReNA meetings. Beginning of July was the tentative dates selected for the event.

Counting with L. Acosta, L. Barrón, R. Bijker, L. Gasques and D. Marín (among others) all of them IANNA members, and several students (many of them already associated to IANNA), during this short meeting Alfredo Estrada (MSU) and Javier Mas (IFUNAM) were chosen as the Chair and Co-chair of the Proposal for the School-JWS.

We will have information about the Proposal draft in further months.