"Laboratorio de Detectores de Radiación"
Ultimos Artículos
• García Hernández J.M., Mondragón-Contreras L., Torres –Bribiesca M.A., López-Callejas R., Ramírez-Jiménez F. J., Gutiérrez-Ocampo E., Vázquez-Cervantes M., Cruz-Estrada P., Peña-Eguiluz R."An Automatic Calibration System for Portable Radiation Monitors" IEEE Nuclear Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 56, Nº 3, Junio, 2009.
• L. Mondragón-Contreras,F.J.Ramírez-Jiménez, J.M.García-Hernández,M.A.Torres-Bribiesca,R.López-Callejas, E.F. Aguilera-Reyes, R. Peña-Eguiluz, H. López-Valdivia, H.Carrasco-Abrego,"Application of PIN photodiodes on the detection of X-rays generated in an electron accelerator" Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Nucl. Research A, 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.08.044
• Ramirez Jiménez F. J. , Ojeda Nava C. E. , Villaseñor Navarro L. F., Duran Cruz M. “Detección de Radiación Gamma y Rayos X en Radioterapia empleando Tecnología de Diodo PIN” 5º Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Física, México, mayo, 2010.
• Ramirez Jiménez F. J. ,Ojeda Nava C. E., Villaseñor Navarro L. F., Duran Cruz M. “Linac Photon beam dosimetry using a very low cost PIN photodiode technology” XI Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics, México, marzo, 2010.
• Carlos E. Ojeda N., Francisco J. Ramírez J., Luis F. Villaseñor N.,”DETECTION OF HIGH ENERGY PHOTONS USING SEMICONDUCTORS PIN DIODES TECHNOLOGY” International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences, México, 2011.
• F. J. Ramírez-Jiménez, Member, IEEE and Y. B. Alcántara Pérez “A Novel Ionization Chamber for High Doses at Industrial Gamma Irradiation Facilities. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium-Medical Imaging Conference C R (2011), Valencia, España, 2011.
• Luis Mondragón Contreras, Francisco Javier Ramirez Jiménez, Jose Manuel Garcia Hernandez, Marco Antonio Torres Bribiesca, “ACCURATE DOSE DETERMINATION WITH P-I-N DIODES FOR GAMMA RAY FIELDS”, 2012 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp.-Medical Imaging Conference, 2012, 438-441.
• García-Hernández J. M., Ramírez-Jiménez F. J. , Mondragón-Contreras L. , López-Callejas R. , Torres-Bribiesca M. A. , Peña-Eguiluz R. “POWER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS FOR NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPY APPLICATIONS: GROUNDING” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, V. 729, 2013, 147-152.
• Mondragón-Contreras L. , Ramírez-Jiménez F. J. , García-Hernández J. M., López-Callejas R. , Torres-Bribiesca M. A. , Peña-Eguiluz R."Experimental Considerations on the Determination of Radiation Fields in an Electron Accelerator" Rev. Mex. de Fisica, 59, Sep.-Oct. 2013, p.498-503.
• L. A. Mier, J. S. Benítez, R. López, J. A. Segovia, R. Peña and F. J. Ramírez Adaptive Fuzzy Control System for a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 15, NO. 5, MAY 2017.
• R. M. Vázquez-Cervantes, F. J. Ramirez-Jiménez. Member, "6-Wheel Terrestrial Robot for Radiation Detection”, Proceedings, IEEE NSS-MIC 2017, 978-1-5386-2282-7/17, 2017.
• Vazquez-Cervantes Raúl Mario, Ramirez-Jimenez Francisco Javier, Gutierrez-Ocampo Efrén. “Remote Operated Vehicles for Radiological Emergencies” IAEA-CN-269/249 proceedings, 2018